Handbell Workshop in Green Mountain Falls

On behalf of The Kirkpatrick Family Fund, the Church in the Wildwood Music Ministry, and the Forté Handbell Quartet, we invite you to our second annual Weekend Workshop and Concert! 

Join us on Saturday Sep 9 and Sunday Sep 10 at Church in the Wildwood in Green Mountain Falls, Colorado for an exciting weekend of musicianship, skill building, performance practice, and connecting with other handbell ringers from around the state. 

This year, we are offering 3 tracks, including an exciting new option for brand new ringers: 

  • Track A (Beginner 5th-graders and up): Laying the Foundation

  • Track B (Intermediate): Strengthening the Skillset

  • Track C (Advanced): Delving Deeper

The classes will be facilitated by Forté, a professional handbell quartet marked by artistry, energy, and dedication to their craft. The musicians of Forté are continually expanding their musical horizons by adding original compositions and arrangements that challenge audiences’ perceptions of what handbells can really do. Since forming in 2007, the members of Forté have been featured performers and faculty at Handbell Musicians of America events, toured across the country, and released three CDs and a DVD.  

All of the information you need to plan for the workshop is on Church in the Wildwood’s website, including the Workshop Schedule, Track Descriptions, Course Details, and Frequently Asked Questions. 

Register online at wildwooducc.org/handbell from July 6 - August 30. If you work with students or know other musicians who might be interested in participating, we ask you to please forward this information. 

Please contact Church in the Wildwood’s Music Director, Teresa Allen, at teresa@wildwooducc.org with any questions. 

We are so excited to see you here!


Forté Presents: “Tidings of Comfort and Joy”


Forté Presents: “Into the West”